Sunday, June 15, 2014

9:03 PM
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1 Tap Cleaner Pro v 2.31 Apk Download Free
1 – Tap  to clean   all  cache and search histories  and  recording calls   .   Is  also  included clean liness  default   .Runs   from   the application s tore ?
You can now get  m ore available storage s pace by  scanning applications  create cache  files data.
★ Cache Cleaner
★ History  Cleaner
★ cal l   log  /  Tex t  Cleaner
★ defaults  Cleaner

There are  four cleaners   included  i n  this  application.  Cache Cleaner  ,  History  Cleaner and Call   /  Tex t  Cleaner Help
you  to get  m ore  free s pace  for  the  internal  phone storage by  clearing apps  cached  f i l es   ,  data  files   ,  or search history
records   /  browsing.   I f   you select   to  launch applications  by  default   for some actions   .  Underdevelopment  Cleaner
helps  you  to clear  the default  settings .
1 car or  tap  to cl ear all  cache  ,  search history   ,  and calls   log and  the best   i s  you do not  have  to s pend on  the phone
any m ore!  This  app  i s  crucial   to any one who has  problem s  with memory  management   .
1 –  tap  to clear all  cached  f i l es
1 –  tap  to cl ear all  search and brows er navigation history  records
1  tap  to cl ear recording cal l s  (  incoming and outgoing  ,  and m i s s ed  ,   I  contacted a  lot)
Li s t  al l  defaul t  appl i cat i ons  and as s um pt i ons  s peci f i c and cl ear
home screen widget  s hows  cache s i z e and available
auto cl ear all  cache and history  at  a specified  interval
auto cl ear cache when  the device  i s   low on  internal  storage s pace
cl ear cache or  the ex act  date of   the application
notify   i f   the applications  us ed cache size  large  than you determine  the value of
l i s t  applications  by  either cache  ,  data,  code  ,   total  s i z e or  the name of   the application
The appl i cat i on di s pl ay s  on  the m arket
cancel l at i on appl i cat i on
open application
s how application detals  page
The required permissions :
* READ_CONTACTS,  WRITE_CONTACTS:  s how and cl ear cal l s  recording
* READ_HISTORY _BOOKMARKS,  WRITE_HISTORY _BOOKMARKS:  show and clear  the brows ernavigation history
*  INTERNET:   to s end a report  of   the incident
And  the s am e  function as  “1 Tap Cleaner Free ” app  ,  but  A d removed and add m ore auto cl ear  interval  options   .
‘ s  Us er manual ,  questions  and answers   ,  pleas e cl i ck Menu > Settings  > A bout   for details .
What’s  New
-  new  notification optionis  selected for  the cleanest car s  (  Settings  >  notification option under  sec ti on
clean est cars )
-  improved speed w hen s c rolling l i s t of applications
- pages  the us er  manual  (  Settings  >  About )  also support the comments
- French chains  updated
-  bugs  fixed

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