Bribespot is anonymous service for reporting and tracking bribes online. We allow people to share their stories and explore interactive maps of their communities on the go - using our smartphone apps - and on our website.
We believe that the more users contribute to Bribespot, the easier it will be to identify hotspots of corruption in any given city and devise effective measures of tackling petty bribery
The very first iPhone was officially launched on June 29, 2007 and since then the world was never the same - from gaming to medicine and banking to travel, the rise of smartphones has drastically transformed the lives of younger generation around the world.
Yet, when it comes to adopting latest technological break-throughs to tackle social ills & long-standing problems, development community seems to be lagging behind.
With this thought in mind, Artas Bartas proposed an international team of geeks & designers gathered at Garage 48 hackathon in Tallinn, Estonia to build a mobile app for tracking bribes. What started as a fun weekend geeking around & building a crude prototype, soon turned into an social project aimed to promote the use of clever technologies to tackle petty corruption.
Long after the excitement of the creative weekend was gone, we continued bootstrapping our idea and talking to activists, lawyers, journalists and security experts about the ways to improve the service. The result of these discussions is anonymous reporting platform you see today. We continue extending and improving the service offering and hope you will join us in spreading the word about this initiative.
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